Channel: United States of America Service Academy Forums
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Nomination taken down on USAFA portal...

Ok so this is weird....I received a Congressional Nomination from Tim Murphy and a Senatorial Nomination from Bob Casey (I live in PA) for USAFA. They both were uploaded to my portal under...

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2015 Grad, Send Questions!

Just graduated last May, can give my honest opinions/advice on the academy and how to get in.

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When could I find out?

When do most people start hearing back from USNA if they received an appointment? Thanks

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When and How? Contacting the BGO

My DS is a junior. Went to CVW last fall. Sent an email introduing himself to his BGO. No response. Just applied to NASS. Should he try to contact his BGO again? Is this a good time? Is email the best...

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West Point More Selective....

9 colleges more selective than Ivy League colleges http://finance.yahoo.com/news/9-us-colleges-more-selective-160400314.html Push Hard, Press Forward Always have a Plan B

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A few questions about USAF space operations careers

I googled around a little and didn't find much detailed information on space ops in the AF, but it sounds like a really exciting career field for officers. It's my understanding that AFSPC officers (I...

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What are the military education options after graduating from an SA?

I know of stuff like the Army and Naval War Colleges, Naval Postgraduate School, GI Bill, etc., but what are the other options and what are the differences? Thanks and Happy January 01, 2016.

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New York Must Be Cold

It has always bothered me that the USMA website says to prepare for the heat. Whenever I read that I couldn't help but thinking, it's probably really cold up there. Is it actually hot during the summer...

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Individual PT at the Academy

Hey everyone! I know at the academy that sports are mandatory, whether they are intramural or intercollegiate, and that there is time set aside for cadets to do that specifically. However, I'm sure...

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Access to academies, posts, and bases

This information was published this a.m. from the Garrison commander at West Point (I assume all military installations will have same procedure): ‪#‎WPAlert‬ We have just received information...

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Waiver after leaving program

I am currently a freshman and am completing my second semester of college. I was awarded an AFROTC scholarship and have been in the program up until this point. I was disqualified from the scholarship...

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Senate NOM, maybe not the greatest thing?

It just occurred to me, my DS has a Senatorial NOM to AF, I thought that was a real positive. He also has an appointment to NA, but waiting to hear from AF. But I'm starting to think that a MOC NOM...

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Decision to discontinue journey

Thank you all for your help but I have decided not to pursue a career in the military. The academies are for superstars and im no superstar. Thanks again.

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School doesn't have class ranks-could it be a problem?

My school doesn't have an actual class rank system like most do. It was eliminated a couple years before I got to HS (I seriously have no clue why on earth a school administration would do that, but I...

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Prospective Class of 2020

Hello! Just reaching out and hoping to get to know my fellow potential Plebes. How is everyone's application/status looking? The holidays definitely put a damper on snail mail and I can't imagine the...

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2021 Hopeful Applicant, Advice?

Hi I am a Junior at a IB League High School in Maryland and would like to attend the Air Force Academy for college and would like to get feedback on what I should work on to make myself a better...

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First wave of BFE's?

Any word when the first wave of big fat envelops will be sent out?

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Dodmerb remedial

Ugh. When my ds was initially filling out his dodmerb family history back in September, he selected that he had a history of psoriasis. He was taking it so earnestly and wanted to be completely honest...

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Where Are They Now?

I am starting this thread for a couple of reasons. First, I have gotten PM's from people asking about my son and what he is doing/has done since he graduated. Secondly, with the waiting that goes on...

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Ohio Appointments

Has anybody from Ohio received an appointment for USMMA yet? I just got a letter saying that I've been placed on the national waiting list :'(, anybody else?

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