So DS got a letter on his portal today. Here is some of what it said:
Dear -------
"I reviewed your application for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The information you provided indicates that you are the type of competitive and accomplished person who will thrive on the unique blend of programs we offer. I encourage you to discover if West Point is the right college for you."
Then there are two paragraphs inviting him to visit and giving him a name and...
What is a "Letter of Encouragement"???
Dear -------
"I reviewed your application for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The information you provided indicates that you are the type of competitive and accomplished person who will thrive on the unique blend of programs we offer. I encourage you to discover if West Point is the right college for you."
Then there are two paragraphs inviting him to visit and giving him a name and...
What is a "Letter of Encouragement"???