Hello all, just wanted to post a quick question for my spouse. She is planning on taking some online college courses next semester and we are set to PCS in February.
I was just wondering if you all had any thoughts or advice about her doing this? We have never PCSed before so this is all new for us. I know only she knows what she can handle at the end of the day, and it will really depend on the courses, but any thoughts would be helpful. If it is something I should completely turn her away...
Taking online courses during a PCS, thoughts/advice?
I was just wondering if you all had any thoughts or advice about her doing this? We have never PCSed before so this is all new for us. I know only she knows what she can handle at the end of the day, and it will really depend on the courses, but any thoughts would be helpful. If it is something I should completely turn her away...
Taking online courses during a PCS, thoughts/advice?