Hey guys
So it's outdoor track season again and my competitive juices are running (literally). Sadly, I haven't had much time to dedicate to training so I am considering quitting my part time job as a tutor for a community college in order to make room for training time because I find myself struggling to make time for studying for my full course load at the local community college. I get that people who go to the academy must be able to balance activities, and I was able to for a while...
Quitting an Activity listed on Updated Resume
So it's outdoor track season again and my competitive juices are running (literally). Sadly, I haven't had much time to dedicate to training so I am considering quitting my part time job as a tutor for a community college in order to make room for training time because I find myself struggling to make time for studying for my full course load at the local community college. I get that people who go to the academy must be able to balance activities, and I was able to for a while...
Quitting an Activity listed on Updated Resume