I am about to begin my second semester of my Junior year in high school. Prior to changing schools at the beginning of this year, I had A's, B's, C's, and D's bringing my GPA for my Freshman & Sophomore years to a 2.8.
Upon changing schools, I joined my Air Force JROTC group, and it has been quite life changing. I had not intended to go to college until about 3 months ago when I was speaking with my SASI and ASI (A Ret. Lt. Col, and Ret. CMsgt respectively) and expressed my intent to...
Chances of getting an Air Force ROTC Scholarship
Upon changing schools, I joined my Air Force JROTC group, and it has been quite life changing. I had not intended to go to college until about 3 months ago when I was speaking with my SASI and ASI (A Ret. Lt. Col, and Ret. CMsgt respectively) and expressed my intent to...
Chances of getting an Air Force ROTC Scholarship