My son received a LoA from the AFA, and is anticipating a nomination shortly, but has heard nothing from the USNA, and says he would have a tough decision if he receives appointments to both the AF and the NA.
Are there any generalized (and experience-based) opinions of the two academies to help in such a decision. Goals: He wands to fly. Some assume AF is the place to go to fly... Others say odds are better to get into flight at Annapolis. Some say AF is "cushier" all-around... Others say...
AFA vs NA - culture, experience, education
Are there any generalized (and experience-based) opinions of the two academies to help in such a decision. Goals: He wands to fly. Some assume AF is the place to go to fly... Others say odds are better to get into flight at Annapolis. Some say AF is "cushier" all-around... Others say...
AFA vs NA - culture, experience, education